
Please follow these steps to complete your application.


STEP 1:  Before You Apply

Choose your course or program:

  • Visit our course/program listing page to find a course/program that’s right for you.
  • Have your credit card handy for payment.
  • Have your student ID number ready (only if you are a former student of the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology or Winnipeg Technical College).

Decide when you want to begin your studies:

  • Refer to the course/program listing page on MITT’s website for course/program availability.
  • Make sure you check the application deadline and apply early. Courses and programs are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Determine if you meet entrance requirements:

  • Visit the course/program listing page to check if you meet specific entrance requirements (if applicable).
  • Submit other course/program documentation (if required) to the Lifelong Learning Institute before the registration deadline.


STEP 2: Apply Online

  • Click ‘Next’ at the bottom of this page to open the Lifelong Learning Institute application form.
  • Complete each section.
  • Pay your tuition fees, as registration is complete only once tuition is paid.
  • Arrange employer invoicing (if required) by emailing lifelonglearning@mitt.ca or by calling 204-989-6510 at least one week before the course/program registration deadline.


STEP 3: After You Apply

  • Check your email. Within five business days, you will be sent important information including class location, course/program schedule, parking and more.


Have a question?

Phone: 204-989-6510

Email: lifelonglearning@mitt.ca